How can we help?

Additional services

  • Private Training Consultations

    Is your dog reactive to other dogs or people? Do they need special help with manners at home? Do you have trouble working our classes into your schedule? For these and many other situations we recommend scheduling a private session with either of our trainers. Click below to register, being sure to briefly describe the issue you’d like help with.

    One hour for $75.

  • picture of dog being caressed

    Canine Massage

    Massage enhances a dog’s overall sense of well-being. While massage is helpful for most dogs, it can be particularly therapeutic for older dogs, large breed puppies, and some specific breeds.

  • Picture of a dog in the snow


    Supplement your dog’s natural healing abilities with universal energy. Reiki energy is not a substitute for vet care, but can be used as a safe, gentle, supplement to traditional care and training practices.